Tesla investors post questions for TSLA Q4 and FY 2023 earnings call

As the eagerly awaited Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) fourth-quarter and full-year 2023 earnings call approaches, investors are buzzing with anticipation. The Q&A session, a pivotal part of the event, is already shaping up to be a forum for crucial inquiries. This article delves into the top ten questions posed by retail investors and an additional five from institutional investors, shedding light on the key areas that could influence Tesla’s trajectory in the coming years.

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Retail Investor Questions

Next-Gen Compact Vehicle Production Timeline

Has the move of next-gen compact vehicle production to Austin improved the timeline, and can we expect next-gen platform vehicles by 2025?

The strategic shift to Austin has intrigued investors. Unveiling the timeline and advancements in production could provide valuable insights into Tesla’s future product lineup.

Share Buyback for Elon Musk’s Stake

Will the Board of Directors consider a share buyback to meet Elon Musk’s request for a 25% stake, and what would be the proposed dollar amount?

Addressing the potential share buyback to meet Elon Musk’s stake request is crucial for understanding the company’s financial strategy and its commitment to its visionary leader.

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Cybertruck Orders and Fulfillment

How many Cybertruck orders are in the queue, and when can we expect fulfillment of all existing orders?

A detailed update on Cybertruck orders and fulfillment timelines will offer investors clarity on the demand for this eagerly awaited electric vehicle.

Gigafactory Expansions and Production Timelines

When will construction begin on Giga Nevada expansion and Giga Mexico, and when can we expect the production of key products like 4680 cells, Semi, and next-gen vehicles?

Insights into Gigafactory expansions and production timelines are vital for investors tracking Tesla’s global manufacturing capabilities.

Challenges in Ramping 4680 Cell Production

What has been the barrier to ramping 4680 cells into the multi-million cells per week rate, and when is the expected breakthrough?

Understanding the challenges in 4680 cell production and the timeline for overcoming them will be crucial in assessing Tesla’s battery technology advancements.

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Deployment of Optimus in Gigafactories

When will Optimus be deployed in Tesla’s Gigafactories?

An update on the deployment of Optimus, Tesla’s automation system, will provide insights into the company’s efforts to enhance manufacturing efficiency.

Tesla’s Priorities for 2024

What are Tesla’s biggest priorities for 2024?

A glimpse into Tesla’s strategic priorities for 2024 will give investors a roadmap for the company’s focus areas and potential growth drivers.

Semi Mass Production and Barriers

When will Tesla ramp to mass production of the Semi, and what are the barriers to reaching that milestone?

Investors seek clarity on the timeline and challenges associated with the mass production of the highly anticipated Tesla Semi.

FSD V12 Public Release

When will FSD V12 be rolled out to the public?

The timeline for the public release of Full Self-Driving Version 12 is a key point of interest, reflecting advancements in Tesla’s autonomous driving technology.

Tiered Pricing for FSD

Why doesn’t Tesla offer tiered pricing for FSD, and would this increase take-up rates?

Exploring the potential for tiered pricing for Full Self-Driving could shed light on Tesla’s strategy to accelerate the adoption of autonomous driving technology.

Automotive Gross Margins Expectation

What is Tesla’s expectation for automotive gross margins (excluding regulatory credits) for the full year?

Insights into Tesla’s projected automotive gross margins are crucial for institutional investors assessing the company’s financial health.

Volume CAGR in 2024 or 2025

Does the company anticipate a 50% volume Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) in either 2024 or 2025? If not, what are the reasons?

Understanding Tesla’s volume growth projections is vital for institutional investors gauging the company’s market expansion plans.

Autobidder Economics and Attach Rate

Can you speak to the economics and attach rate of Autobidder, and how does Tesla share in that value?

A comprehensive overview of Autobidder’s economic impact and its attach rate will provide institutional investors with a clearer picture of Tesla’s energy business.

Alternative Strategies to Equity Compensation

Instead of a new equity compensation plan, could Tesla acquire X, X.ai, and/or SpaceX to bring additional AI expertise into Tesla while increasing Elon’s voting control?

Exploring alternative strategies to equity compensation reveals Tesla’s approach to securing AI expertise and Elon Musk’s influence on company governance.

Residual Value vs. Used Tesla Repurchase

In light of recent residual value declines, should Tesla repurchase all used Tesla vehicles outside its existing inventory?

Examining Tesla’s stance on repurchasing used vehicles amid residual value declines provides insights into the company’s approach to maintaining brand value.

1 thought on “Tesla investors post questions for TSLA Q4 and FY 2023 earnings call”

  1. Pingback: Tesla Model Y sets records by being Europe’s best-selling car for 2023 - InsideEVs

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